Untitled 01
Dakarai, November 13, 2024 (3m ago)31 views
Isn't it beautiful?
How we move through this thing called life, each day living and dying and living again. The yin and yang of it all, the Kala and Zima.
It fascinates me how this is even reflected in nature. Insects and other creatures like snakes and butterflies, shedding layers, constantly evolving. Isn't it beautiful how we are all so connected to this one truth, yet it seems so taboo?
The trees lose their leaves in the fall, only to restore them again in the spring. Breathing. One big breath out, another big breath in. Isn't it beautiful?
Death, we dare not speak its name, holding so much weight and negative attachment but only signifying a return to what is! It's truly remarkable. Hearts beat and they pause, eyes close and they open again, it's so natural.
It's so beautiful, right?